Monday, 12 October 2015

How to take secret pictures on Android device

How to take secret pictures on Android device

This app is really a no-brainer  especially when you consider kinda the power you’ll have in your hands.
Just imagine being able to take secret selfies, or maybe you want to take a picture of someone while ensuring he/she totally doesn’t know or realize..errm errm total stalking dude!...or even being able to capture a moment of that your friend fooling around without him/her knowing…its total power my friends and its all possible on your Android device courtesy of an  Android App QuickCamera.

QuickCamera is also easy to set up. Just follow:

Step 1

If you have enough data, go ahead and install Quick Camera using this link, it is free by the way and just 3.2mb in size

Step 2

After installing this crazy app, launch it and get ready to set em up.

Step 3

Navigate to the settings panel and set it up according to your preference.

Step 4

To secretely take a picture just navigate to your app drawer and click on the Take Photo app icon 

And that’s just it. “Shekina“ as they say! To dubiously take a secret picture of that babe you’ve been eyeing for quite a while…hehehehehe, total power or just annoying stalking call it anyone you like, the apps simply a no-brainer. Babes be more alert ooo some guys’ll surely be on rampage with Quick Camera.
To some people or even most, Quick Camera might just be awfully offensive app but personally I just think it’s the bomb because it’s just a fun app especially when you consider the “when your friends fooling around part”, the app’s gonna be in reallll use…Its total power as I said earlier.
It’s really amazing what these apps can do nowadays, there’s just an app for practically a lot of things right now in the world. Wonder what kind of new app we would be exposed to soon? Maybe an app to feed us who knows? If you have a crazy idea or genuine idea  please let us know by clicking the "post a comment" link.

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